Monday, 28 November 2011

Fun English 翻转英哥历史

Determinedly 决定/坚决
Usay你说: Determinedly pushes on with help reach...
Usay你说: The size of your feet determines the size of your shoes.

Mental Patient 精神病患者; mental home 精神病院
Person suffering from a diseased mind

Harass 骚扰性袭击
Trouble/worry/make repested attacks on

Permanent 长久
Usay你说: He is married and settled down permanently in UK

Enhance 增加/提高
Usay你说: To expand, enhance and enrich our country's development in all sectors.

Exhilaration 使兴奋; Splendish 奇妙; Fascinating有趣
Usay你说: That is truely splendish fascinating and exhilaration performance i had ever seen.

Convey 传达
Lieu 代替
Generosity 大方
Humanity 仁爱
Trait 特质
Inherit 遗传/继承; Heritage 遗产
Retail 零售
Gracious 和谐
Pomposity 华丽/豪语
Nerb 书呆子
Abundant information 丰富的信息
contaminate 污染
rehabilitate land 重建土地
burglarproof 防盗
Procession 游行

Gift of gab 好说 (ability to talk readily, glibly, and convincingly)
1. To draw important foreign investments 外汇投资
2. The popularity of...can be spread by word of mouth.
3. A form of relaxation and entertainment. 休闲娱乐
4. Contribute to society 社会贡献
5. Concentrate excel in it.专注..发挥
6. To show how important it is to be wise with...
7. Educate the public on the important that they can be aware of the need to...
8. Rivers are a channel for rain water.
9. Water is finite有限 natural resource
10. Indigenous土著 animals and planat head over heels in love with...
12. Elders are addressed respectfully by titles and not by name.
13. Find ways to raise money to...
14. Filial piety respect.孝道方面
15. An exhibition is a good way to attract large crowds especially if interesting exhibits are put up.
16. Can cater to the young and the old.
17. Offer a lot of display to see and touch.
18. Prepare brochures and booklets to be handed out. 
19. Cope with social and academic problems
20. To raise awaraness
21. 谆谆教诲 Inculcate the vaue of caring for...
22. Organize special days to commemmorate纪念 the..
23. The sessions provide an outlet for students to air their grievances怨气
24. To learn additional skills, pick up more knowledge and more friend


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